UNISON Cymru Wales Winner, Young Members’ representative of the year, UNISON Cymru Wales Young Members Forum

Alastair Gittins
2 min readNov 1, 2019


Meet the people recognised at UNISON’s recent Cymru Wales Awards 2019 night

Winner, Young Members’ representative of the year, UNISON Cymru Wales Young Members Forum

Forum members Amber O’Hara & Nick Davies pictured with UNISON assistant general secretary Roger McKenzie (left)

It has been decided that this year it would be impossible to single out one individual from the exceptional collective achievements of this forum. It has been an incredible time for the Cymru Wales Young Members Forum: national recognition for their campaign; their film was shown at National Delegates Conference and they agreed an action plan with the First Minister. At their Senedd lobby, 12 Assembly Members signed their charter.

They are multi-award winning and now they are again honoured by the Cymru Wales region.

The Forum’s campaigning around better rights for young people contained in its #RespectYourYouth charter led to the regional council making it a priority campaign in Wales. The National Young Members Weekend 2018 agreed the charter should become a UK national campaign. That is an incredible level of recognition and a testament to their work.

Nick Davies and Amber O’Hara

2019 is the year of the Young Worker and the Forum is certainly doing their bit to boost young membership — a net increase of 50 per cent on last year. Participation in the Forum grows each month.

Chair Martyn David has delivered the Forum’s message to branches and self-organised groups and David Coleman was elected to National Chair of the Young Members Forum. Mark Drakeford committed to seeing how the charter could be brought into Welsh-government sponsored bodies. The Forum can be very proud of their campaign.

Photo credit: Natasha Hirst

